Bowling Together!

With the influential role the book Bowling Alone played in SCI’s founding story, it is a bit surprising that it took us 20 years to organize an SCI bowling outing! File this under better late than never!
Following a recent SCI AmeriCorps training day, hosted at Microsoft’s Burlington offices, the group headed to the nearby King’s entertainment center for some bowling. They were joined there by SCI staff, board members and partners to do some “Bowling Together”.
It was a fun team-building activity. The event also marked the first time many team members met each other in person, after numerous Zoom meetings. While we certainly have done our best to continue relationship building when we were limited to virtual meetings, this Bowling Together event served as a reminder of the value of events that bring people together in person for a shared activity, food and informal conversation.
We suspect there might be more bowling events in SCI’s future…stay tuned!