social capital noun. the value of our social networks & relationships

How to be an Antiracist

Published by Phil Gordon on

How to be an AntiRacist Video Thumbnail

Throughout this year, the SCI AmeriCorps Cohort has been reading Ibram X. Kendi’s book, “How To Be An Antiracist”, as their base text for discussions on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion during bi-weekly virtual meetings. As a new and unique approach to the conversation on racial justice in America, Kendi’s book is part-memoir, part-historical examination — and extremely thought provoking. The SCI AmeriCorps Members have had challenging yet productive conversations. In addition, each member is contributing to the learning experience by presenting & facilitating discussion on a specific chapter. Click here for more information on “How To Be An Antiracist”, and check out the video below to see one of this year’s members, Anar, give her presentation on Chapter 7!