social capital noun. the value of our social networks & relationships

Supporting Community Resilience and Collaboration with Liberty Mutual

Supporting Community Resilience and Collaboration with Liberty Mutual In this episode, guests Katrina Shaw and Lindsay Mason engage in a thoughtful discussion about the community-focused initiatives of Liberty Mutual. They begin by sharing personal stories that shaped their commitment to philanthropy and volunteerism.  The conversation then transitions to the mission Read more…

2024 YGPC Team Aims to Bridge Community Gaps​

With their SCI Youth Grant Pitch Contest (YGPC) grant award of $1,200, the Intrepid Keystone Club launched their Bridging the Gap Fair on June 8, 2024. The Intrepid Keystone Club is a team of youth leaders at the JLM Boys & Girls Club of Woburn that aims to provide leadership development opportunities for high school teens through academic success, career preparation, and community service.

Multigenerational Conversation on Implications of AI Technology

Intergenerational engagement was evident through the You, Me & AI: A Multigenerational Conversation On Mental Health, Bias & Digital Inclusion workshop on Wednesday, May 22nd, at the Woburn Public Library. The public workshop was offered through the Leaders for an Equitable Tomorrow (LET) program and hosted by Social Capital Inc., the Network For Social Justice, Joint Family, and the Woburn Public Library.