Help SCI meet the moment

As snow piles up today, Liandra will be busy working the phones and computer to coordinate a group of volunteers to shovel for local senior citizens, enabling them to get out for food, medical appointments and more when the storm passes. This Volunteers for Seniors program was initiated when SCI recruited volunteers to help shovel for snowed in seniors during the record setting snowfall of 2015.
Meeting the moment is nothing new for Liandra and SCI. You can help us meet the moment with a donation today, while hopefully ensconced in the comfort of your home.
Liandra Reyes is serving her 2nd year as an SCI AmeriCorps member. As a Volunteer Outreach Coordinator with SCI this year, last month found her coordinating some 100 volunteers raking for seniors and organizing a delivery of Thanksgiving meals to those in need.
Raking leaves might not seem like the most pressing need in the pandemic year. But the seniors, many of whom are isolated from family and friends, sure appreciated it. So did the high school students who got together safely outside for a fun service project with their friends!
Liandra hasn’t had much chance to catch her breath this fall with SCI! The raking project came right after she and SCI colleagues quickly jumped in to organize a neighborhood food drive, to take the place of the cancelled postal food drive. As a result, volunteers collected well over 2,000 food items from some 140 homes throughout the Woburn community.
Donations from supporters like you make it possible for Liandra and others at SCI to have this impact. Individual donations help support Liandra’s AmeriCorps stipend (federal funding must be supplemented by private donations). Contributions also provided us the flexibility to spend a couple hundred dollars on fliers to let people know about the food drive, making it possible to generate over $5,000 food donations for those in need.
Liandra is one of 19 SCI AmeriCorps members meeting the moment every day. Addressing food security news has certainly been big this year; and showing up and supporting young leaders in our community has been another big focus. I hope you will join me in supporting this vital program with a tax deductible contribution today!
If you’re reading closely, you noticed I mentioned that Liandra is in her 2nd year of SCI AmeriCorps service. Last year, she was serving as an SCI AmeriCorps member with Girls Inc. of Lynn. Stay tuned for more on how she pivoted last spring to support the needs of her youth through a time that saw the twin crises of the pandemic and racial injustices coming to the forefront.
Thanks for your interest and consideration of this request.
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please make checks payable to Social Capital Inc. and mail to:
Social Capital Inc.
165M New Boston St., Suite 233
Woburn, MA 01801