Local SCI Clinic Boosts Accessibility
On Saturday, May 7th SCI held its first of two COVID community vaccine clinics partnered with a local Woburn church and medical group.
Before the clinic, SCI had learned of two key barriers to vaccination from members of the Woburn community, especially for immigrants. First of all, most nearby vaccination opportunities required the completion of an extensive, English-only registration form. Second, most vaccination opportunities were held in formal settings, such as hospitals. Both of these issues made vaccination difficult for the most vulnerable in Woburn and deterred people who would otherwise be willing to get vaccinated.
As such, SCI’s clinic did not require any pre-registration and was hosted in the United Methodist Church, a familiar and less formal location for members of the community. The clinic was available to anyone 5 years of age and up who required any of their shots. It was also supported by SCI’s Teen VEAP Program, who promoted and staffed the clinic.
We are pleased to report that the clinic was a success. 18 people got vaccinated, ranging in age from 7 to 92! Patients spoke several languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese and Haitian Creole, and benefited from the translators we had available.
A follow-up clinic will be held on Saturday, June 4th at the United Methodist Church on Main Street in Woburn. All are welcome to attend. As with the previous clinic, no pre-registration is required. The clinic will run from 9 a.m. to Noon. More details on the clinic can be found here.
Meanwhile, SCI VEAP also continues to support the ongoing community vaccine clinics in Everett and Malden; two communities deemed by the Mass. Department of Public Health to be among the highest priorities for vaccine equity work.