SCI Team Update
Over the past few months, SCI has been able to add new positions to our team that will allow us to advance our mission. As we begin to build our team, some familiar faces will be taking on new roles and responsibilities. As an organization with a far reach and a lean staff, we look forward to using this growth to deepen our impact in the communities we know well, and continue to build on new connections.
After serving with SCI AmeriCorps, and spending two years as our SCI AmeriCorps Program Manager, Phil Gordon moved into the new position of Deputy Director at the beginning of the summer. In addition to remaining heavily involved in the SCI AmeriCorps program, Phil is taking on a larger focus on fundraising efforts and strategic planning for the organization. On the clock and off, building positive relationships is a priority. He is looking forward to using his experience to contribute to the development efforts of the organization, as well as having more opportunities to tell SCI’s story.
Liandra Reyes, has moved into a new Program Manager position after serving two years as an SCI AmeriCorps member first with Girls Inc, then at the SCI office. At her first “real” job after college and serving, Liandra is excited about working with SCI staff on a new level. Most of Liandra’s work as Program Manager is implementing, organizing, and managing SCI Woburn programming. In addition to the programs you may know, like Worldfest, Woburn Volunteers for Seniors (raking & shoveling!), SCI Woburn has expanded considerably with the Juneteenth event, and programs such as Leaders for An Equitable Tomorrow (LET) and the Woburn Parent Network (WPN). She will also be assisting with the SCI AmeriCorps program, adding to the professional development of members. Thanks to the Cummings Properties for awarding SCI one of its ten year grants, enabling us to add this position with a focus on SCI Woburn programming!
A new member joining the team (for the second time), is Leah Mulrenan. From 2014-2017, Leah was the SCI AmeriCorps Program Manager. After spending some time gaining experience with other local nonprofits, she is back with SCI, now as the Development and Communications Manager. In this new role, Leah will work to deepen relationships with the donors and foundations that make our work possible, and expand the ways we share stories of how SCI programs build social capital and strengthen communities.
For the first time, Social Capital Inc. hosted two interns this summer. Joshua and Jacob have been a welcome addition to the team and have assisted with various projects, from our Summer Concert Series to the upcoming Allyship month. SCI is currently working on a curriculum for a new program, Allyship month. Josh and Jacob have been a big part of doing the research for this, finding articles, videos, etc. We plan to bring this curriculum to schools and to inform youth on what allyship means. Their summer internship ends in September, but we will bring it next year!