Answers To Your Questions About The COVID-19 Vaccine And Women’s Health

Happy Spring! As we continue to celebrate Women’s History Month, we wanted to take some time to share another topic related to vaccinations and women’s health.
Today we are looking at some of the common concerns about the COVID-19 Vaccine for women. Below you will find answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 vaccines and how they may affect women’s health
COVID-19 Vaccines and Women’s Health – FAQs
Can the COVID vaccines affect menstrual cycles?
Some women have reported changes in their menstrual cycles after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. There have recently been a couple of studies showing a link between COVID-19 vaccination and a temporary increase in menstrual cycle length of less than one day on average. It’s important to note that the increase was not associated with any change in the number of days of menses (days of bleeding) and that “changes following vaccination appear to be small, within the normal range of variation, and temporary.”
Will getting the COVID vaccine affect mammogram results?
Swelling in lymph nodes has been observed near the injection site, following COVID vaccination This is a normal response to the vaccine. Originally there was some concern that this could cause a false reading on a mammogram. However, The Society of Breast Imaging has released an official statement that a delay between receiving the vaccine and scheduling your screening mammogram is not necessary. It is probably a good idea to let your healthcare provider know if you have recently been vaccinated but it isn’t a reason to delay important preventative screenings.
Can the COVID vaccines cause fertility problems?
According to current research, there is no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccination causes any issues with becoming pregnant now or in the future. “Recent studies have found no differences in pregnancy success rates among women who had antibodies from COVID-19 vaccines or from a recent COVID-19 infection, and women who had no antibodies”.
Are COVID vaccines safe for pregnant women?
Growing evidence confirms the safety, effectiveness, and benefits of COVID-19 vaccination before and during pregnancy. This is true for both the pregnant person and the baby. Some of the most recent studies on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine (before and during pregnancy) can be found here: Safety and Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy
Are COVID vaccines safe for breastfeeding women, and can they provide immunity to babies through breast milk?
There has been no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful to either people who have received a vaccine and are breastfeeding or to their babies. There have been recent reports verifying that breastfeeding people who have received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines produce breastmilk that contains antibodies. These antibodies could help protect their babies. We still need more data to determine the level of protection babies might receive from these antibodies.
We know that it’s all too easy to come across misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines on the Internet and even from well-intentioned people you are close to. That’s why we’re here to continue to give you factual information backed up by research and access to trusted resources. For more information on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines please see the links below and continue to check your inbox for more information and updates from VEAP.
Study confirms link between COVID-19 vaccination and temporary increase in menstrual cycle length
COVID-19 Vaccine: Can It Affect Your Mammogram Results?
COVID-19 Vaccines for People Who Would Like to Have a Baby
COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Wondering where to get vaccinated?
Visit our website for up-to-date information on local vaccine clinics: Upcoming Everett and Malden Vaccine Clinics
Visit or to find a location near you!
Text your zip code to 438829
Call 1-800-232-0233