social capital noun. the value of our social networks & relationships

Nonprofit & Activism Panel Series for Teens

Published by Leah Mulrenan on


SCI and the Network for Social Justice are hosting a virtual career exploration panel series for middle and high school students as part of their Leaders for an Equitable Tomorrow (LET). 

The next virtual panel in the series will focus on Nonprofits & Community Organizing. It will be held on Sunday, March 13th, from 1-2pm. The panelists will share information about how they got interested in working in the nonprofit sector, what working in this field is like, and what education and experience students might pursue if this line of work may be of interest to them. 

The panel will include:

Marisa Luse, Campus Engagement & Collaboration Manager, Northeastern University
Danielle Piskaldo, Executive Director, Budget Buddies
Samuel Gebru, Managing Director, Black Lion Strategies 
Brian Kibler, Strategic Program Specialist, The Beker Foundation

Register here: 

Youth Activism Panel Recap

The first panel, held in February, focused on youth activism, and our panelists were: Sam Gerry (WMHS ‘20) – Mental health advocate and co-founder of Kick It for a Cause, Sophia Ichizawa – Housing Equity VISTA AmeriCorps Member at The Neighborhood Developers, Philmore Philip – Activist and Founding Director of CATO: The Coalition of Us in Reading, and Sam Wilson – Director of Youth Ministries at Winchester Unitarian Society.

Check out the video below for a short clip from the panel presentation, or you can watch the full recording on YouTube!

Don’t forget to sign up for our next virtual panel coming up on March 13th!

LET is a collaborative program engaging Woburn and Winchester teens.  LET is implemented through a collaboration between SCI and the Network for Social Justice, with funding through CHNA15 DoN funds from Lahey Hospital and Medical Center and Winchester Hospital. The virtual panel series is open to all teens interested in the topics.